25 days to Self Love
With the holidays coming and going, it is very easy to automatically put shame to our body and let it down for indulging in that extra treat, or missing a day at the gym. After all… we are our hardest critics!
Rather than associating negative thoughts and feelings towards our body and self-image, it is time to embrace it for all that it allows us to accomplish, not just in the gym, but also in our day-to-day lives. Do not compare yourself to others, because no two people are created the same, do not use working out as a punishment for living life and enjoying good food. Remind yourself that you are beautiful and you are in charge of your happiness.
For this months challenge, number a piece of paper from 1 to 25 and every single morning when you wake up and look in the mirror, write one thing you love about yourself and your body. Instead of focusing on all the things you hate and want to change, focus your energy on the beauty you are so fortunate to have! This challenge will help you rewire your daily thinking and help you start each day with the love you deserve!