So, I want to start this out with letting you all know a couple of things! For off, I have been LOVING creating all of my Youtube content for you guys!
I feel like in the last few months since I changed up my platform to be more informational, you guys have been super receptive to it. I feel like I am connecting to you all a lot better and providing you guys with some serious value!
This is the stuff that fuels my passion; getting closer to the source (you all) and focusing on giving you guys the tools you need for success.
Another area I am so stoked about is my merchandise products! My fitness journals actually release tomorrow! It’s crazy to be holding my first product in my hands and knowing that soon, you guys will have it to be able to aid you in your fitness journey.
In addition to all of this content creation, I have recently been inspired to get back to my roots and make art again in my down time. Did you all know that I originally went to school for studio art? I absolutely love drawing but had gotten so busy with my passion for fitness that it kind of got pushed to the side in the last few years.
So much going on!
With all of this said, it inspired me to make this month’s challenge all about creating. Now, you don’t need to be an artist or even know how to draw to make this challenge work for you.
I want you all to write down what creation means for you and some ways you can create more. For some, this can mean inventing ideas to help others, catching up on that Youtube channel you forgot about, making something homemade for your mom, etc. It can literally be anything that makes you feel creative.
I challenge you all to evaluate that list and use this month to get your hands dirty and use more of that right-brain! We get so caught up in the everyday grind and in the straight and narrow that we sometimes forget to let ourselves be free to flow and to make something amazing.
Let your ideas be free and you may even find a new passion in the midst of it all!
Like this article? Go back and read a few of the recent months’ challenges as well! These are all things you can practice well past the designated month.
Furthermore, SHARE it! Let your friends know about it and work on it together!