Protein Mugcake
Satisfy your sweet tooth with this high-protein, guilt free treat!
- 1 scoop 1Up Nutrition protein powder (My fave is Coconut Ice Cream!)
- 5g Hershey unsweetened cocoa powder
- 5g coconut flour
- ¼ cup almond milk
- baking powder
Directions: Combine all the ingredients in a round bowl or a large mug. Make sure
the bowl or mug has enough room for the cake to rise. Start with 30 seconds then
add another 30 seconds and make sure to keep and eye on it so that it doesn’t
overflow! Once the top has a spongy appearance, take it out of the microwave and
top with your favorite toppings! I topped mine with dried mulberries, strawberries
and pistachios! ENJOY!
Discount for the protein: Use code KATIE20 at checkout on